ini terkait dengan fashion garment dimana di sini tempat pembuatan pola dan marker ataupun tempat atau wadah tempat konsultasi dan mencari sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan garment

- Tempat pembuatan pola
- Tempat pembelajaran pembuatan pola
- Tempat pembuatan marker maupun plot marker maupun pola
- Tempat kursus computer maupun manual ( sesuai program yang di inginkan )
- Tempat kursus menjahit dan Dll.(berhubungan dengan garment )]

Untuk sofware yang kita gunakan yaitu :

2.Accumark gerber
3.Lectra modaris
4.Pad system
5.Style cad
7.Winda cad
8.Gemini cad

Untuk sahabat-sahabat yang bergerak di dunia garment maupun Fashion ,marilah kita tingkatkan keterampilan kita di dunia ini ,dan untuk yang berminat silahkan hubungi di  081323990000

Modulate is a made to measure program which is intended for production of single or mass units, each fitting specific dimensions. These dimensions may represent measurements taken from several people or they may represent specific manufacturing requirements.
Modulate produces "Parametric Models". A Parametric Model is a set of patterns that is used to construct a garment or sewn product. Modulate adds to these patterns sets of dimensions specified by the designer. The designer may give these dimensions any names or relations required.
Once the Parametric Model has been fully defined by a set of dimensions, it can be used over and over for any number of dimension sets. Dimension sets are all the dimensions required to fully define a "Parametric Garment". For example a parametric shirt may be defined using dimensions named "Back Waist" , "ArmoHole" , "Chest" & "Side" . Given these four dimensions Modulate will reshape the garment to fit these dimensions.
 A difficult problem in creating parametric patterns has been the unexpected behavior of the parametric model. This means that after assigning different dimension sets to a parametric model it produced wrong point movements which resulted in a wrong garment.
To avoid this Modulate has taken a unique approach. During the process of defining the Parametric model the user can visually simulate its operation. For example after adding a "Leg Length" dimension the user can simply drag this dimension causing the entire garment to recalculate accordingly and view its effect. If the model performs incorrectly the dimension can be assigned differently by adding or removing other constraints and then rechecked until the parametric model perform correctly.

OptiTex 3D Draping Solution is a true to life cloth simulation system. Using this tool, designers, pattern makers, and retailers can visualize any pattern modifications instantly, in full 3D form based on accurate CAD patterns and real fabric characteristics.

Using OptiTex 3D will reduce product development time, cost of multiple iterations of sample garment production, enhance quality of products due to use of accurate modeling system, analyze fabric behavior, proof-fitting assumptions, and provide a graphical collaboration tool for all involved in the product development process. It also provides an excellent tool for sales and merchandising, with easy to use virtual storyboards

A highly detailed parametric mannequin has 40 precise adjustable body measurements. Users can create specific base size mannequins, saving a great amount of time during fittings.

While utilizing actual garment data, the 3D draping engine delivers a fast and accurate simulation of cloth behavior in real time. The entire process is the fastest draping solution available, while benefiting from complete compatibility with a large range of existing OptiTex CAD tools.

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